Save for your gold purchase in advance! Make convenient monthly installments and we will pay your last installment !
Scheme 1: Rs. 5,000 per month
- 12 Months
- You pay Rs. 5,000 a month for 12 months (total of Rs. 60,000)
- GahanaGriha will pay an extra month of installment
- You can buy jewelry worth Rs. 65,000 at the end of the 12th
- You get 20% off the making charge when buying the said jewelry
- 24 Months
- You pay Rs. 5,000 a month for 24 months (total of Rs. 1,20,000)
- GahanaGriha will pay two extra installments (total of Rs. 10,000)
- You can buy jewelry worth Rs. 1,30,000 at the end of the 24th month
- You get 20% off the making charge when buying the said jewelry
Scheme 2: Rs. 2000 per month
- 12 Months
- You pay Rs. 2,000 a month for 12 months (total of Rs. 24,000)
- GahanaGriha will pay an extra month of installment
- You can buy jewelry worth Rs. 26,000 at the end of the 12th
- You get 15% off the making charge when buying the said jewelry
- 24 Months
- You pay Rs. 2,000 a month for 24 months (total of Rs. 48,000)
- GahanaGriha will pay two extra installments
- You can buy jewelry worth Rs. 50,000 at the end of the 24th month
- You get 25% off the making charge when buying the said jewelry
Scheme 3: Rs. 10,000 and above per month
- 12 Months
- You pay Rs. 20,000 a month for 12 months (total of Rs. 2,40,000)
- GahanaGriha will pay an extra month of installment
- You can buy jewelry worth Rs. 2,60,000 at the end of the 12th month
- You get 20% off the making charge when buying the said jewelry
- 24 Months
- You pay Rs. 20,000 a month for 24 months (total of Rs. 4,80,000)
- Gahana Griha will pay two extra installments
- You can buy jewelry worth Rs. 5,20,000 at the end of the 24th month
- You get 25% off the making charge when buying the said jewelry
Contact us to enrolls in this scheme or learn more.